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uus Rootsi Raadio Sümfooniaorkester, salvestused 1928-1979. Orchestral Music in the Swedish Radio – the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra 50 Years (1936-1986). Recordings from 1928-1979 with music by Aulin, Bach, Beethoven, Berwald, Blomdahl, Brahms, Bäck, de Falla, de Frumerie, Donaldson, Giménez, Glinka, Grenberg, Henze, Hindemith (conducting), Händel, Lidholm, Lind, Lutoslawski, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Mozart, Nystroem, Puccini, Rosenberg, Rybrant, Shostakovich, Sköld, Smetana, Strauss Jr., Stravinsky (conducting), von Koch, von Weber, Wagner, Waldimir, Warren, Webern, and Wirén. Conducted by H. Blomstedt, S. Ehrling, S. Frykberg, S. Westerberg, R. F. de Burgos, G. L. Jochum, R. Kubelik, Sir G. Solti, Y. Svetlanov, G. Szell and others. Composers Paul Hindemith and Igor Stravinsky are conducting the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra playing their compositions. More than 5 ½ hours of music on 5 records. Record 1, 2, 3 – MONO, Record 4 – MONO/STEREO, Record 5 – STEREO. BIS LP 331/333 (331A-B, 331C-D, 332A-B, 332C-D, 333A-B). DMM-mastered and pressed by TELDEC, Nortorf, West Germany, 1986. The booklet, containing performance data and the history of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, is in Swedish, but a translation into English has been added in smaller text at the back. Esitusandmeid ja Rootsi Raadio Sümfooniaorkestri ajalugu sisaldav buklett on rootsi keeles, aga selle lõppu on lisatud väiksemas tekstis ingliskeelne tõlge. ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ

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